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Teams who want to join the challenge can register sending an email to or indicating the team name and for each participant:

Evaluation Criteria and Methodology

The performance of the submitted models will be evaluated using the following criteria:

  1. For task 1 (subject identification), we will compute balanced accuracy score on the held-out-trials test set.
  2. For task 2 (emotion recognition), we will compute balanced accuracy score separately on both held-out-trials and held-out-subjects test sets. These two scores will be averaged together to obtain the final score.

In the event of a tie, the originality of the approach will be used as an additional criterion, with the organizers taking responsibility for the final decision.

Participants are allowed to submit results for one or both tasks. We will select the top-5 performing teams, based on the distribution of participants among the tasks.

Please note that the held-out trials test set for task 1 and task 2 are not completely identical. Please use only IDs specified in the JSON files.

Guidelines for participants


Is it allowed to download music using the Spotify ID and encode audio information as features for training?
Yes, stimulus information can be used for training. Then, downloading music using the Spotify ID and encoding audio information as features is allowed.